The Bear's Grove

This is the blog for the podcast called "The Bear's Grove" by Sam Chupp. Sam holds forth on roleplaying game design, writing, running and playing with special focus on kids & RPG advocacy, romantic roleplaying, and other storytelling-focused aspects of RPGs.

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Bear's Grove #4

The Bear's Grove #4!

Brief non-spoiler Serenity movie review
Girls in Roleplaying
Outside the "PC Bubble"
How to foster romantic roleplaying in your group

A shout-out to "All Games Considered" for featuring my podcast on their show, along with my Ars Magica review.

Music in this episode:

"Forest in the Morning" by Fumitaki Anzai

"Lucky Girl" by the square root of eleven

"Awakening" by Anne Davis

"She Rests Her Head" by Jessica King

"Tiger Lilly" by Fake Tan

The Bear's Grove is released under a creative commons license:

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.


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